An Emphasis on Quality and Outcomes

Atrium Medical Center’s Inpatient Rehabilitation ranks among the top in the nation.
Inpatient Rehabilitation at Atrium Medical Center has placed 43rd out of 1,083 rehabilitation units, ranking it among the top in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.
“That is a prestigious award for the rehab unit to receive,” says Ingrid Waggoner, MBA, BSN, CRRN, RN, director of rehabilitation services & sports medicine at Atrium Medical Center. “It sets our rehab department apart.” Individualized care and an emphasis on quality and outcomes are among the reasons behind the 2021 ranking, she says.
High Quality Care
This was the first time that the hospital’s rehabilitation services data was submitted for consideration. Ranking high on the list is a “big deal,” says Stephen Duritsch, MD, the physician in charge of the program who has 30 years’ experience in rehab. “We are doing a very good job at a community hospital, which is what people want. They don’t have to go traveling across the state or the country to a center of excellence. You can get it close to home,” he says.
Available through physician referrals, inpatient rehabilitation services include stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurological care, among others. Atrium’s unit was ranked for its discharge-to-home percentage of 73%, compared to the national average of 65%. “Our therapy and nursing staff are committed to working with patients and families to ensure that they are receiving the quality of care that will get them back home,” says Waggoner.
The 20-bed unit is located within the hospital, so all services that might be needed are readily available. “That is a great advantage to our program,” Waggoner says. The unit serves approximately 440 patients each year.
Outpatient Services
Atrium’s neurologically based outpatient rehabilitation program offers the same disciplines of therapy that patients may receive during an inpatient stay. Services are available in several locations, including orthopedic and sports medicine in Lebanon, Atrium YMCA in Middletown, Franklin, Trenton, and Mason. Therapist certifications include concussion, pelvic floor, and orthopedics. Most outpatient services need a physician referral.
“We have found that when people have the need for therapy, they want to stay close to where they work or live. Atrium Rehabilitation Services has worked hard to fulfill our organization’s mission for efficient, high-quality care within our community,” Waggoner said.
Easy Access to Physical Therapy
Direct Access: Premier Health offers direct access for outpatient physical therapy, providing evaluation and treatment by a physical therapist without the need for a physician referral. Or find a location and make an appointment.
Self-Scheduling: If your physician orders an initial evaluation for physical or occupational therapy, you now can self-schedule it via Premier Health MyChart.
Back to the Winter 2022 issue of Feel Good magazine.

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Stephen Duritsch, MD
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