Labor And Delivery
When the big day arrives, knowing what to expect can ease your anxiety.

Once a C-Section, Always a C-Section? Not So!
There’s more than one way to give birth, however you’ve done it before!

- Baby on the Way
- Breast Health
- Cancer
- Cancer Information for Women
- Endometriosis
- Expecting Multiples
- Fibromyalgia
- Incontinence
- Labor and Delivery
- Life Stages
- Menopause
- Possible Complications
- Staying Healthy
- Tests and Scans
- Uniquely Female
- Vaginally Speaking
- Weight Management
- Your Pelvic Region
Comprehensive Women’s Center Makes Life Easier

Ready For Multiples? Consider the Risks
With the promise of infertility treatments comes the increased chance of multiple births and the risks they pose

- Baby on the Way
- Bladder and Pelvic Health
- Getting Pregnant
- Infertility
- Labor and Delivery
- Uniquely Female
When to Worry About Uterine Fibroids
Some affect fertility; others are symptomless.

Speak Up To Reduce Childbirth Complications For Black Women
Being black and pregnant raises the risk of maternal death significantly.

No Place Like Home – Even for Birth?
The pros and cons of welcoming your newborn at home.

Oh Baby, What Have You Done to Mom’s Body?
These good-for-you steps can help your post-baby body get back to normal.

Hospital Bag Must-Haves for You and Baby
Here’s a prepack checklist for your upcoming delivery

Your Baby’s First Hours: Let the Testing Begin!
Did your baby pass her very first test?

Learn Before Labor: Top 5 Questions on Episiotomies
Answers about cuts, tears and what happens “down there” during labor.

Your Funny-Looking Bundle of Joy
Why your newborn may not have a picture-perfect debut.

Skin-to-Skin Contact: Bond With Your Newborn
Both you and your baby win when you hold your newborn skin to skin.

Need a Healthy Dose of Labor Pain Relief?
3 ways medicine can help.

Finishing Up: The Third Stage of Labor
Afterbirth signals your labors are over.

Second Stage of Labor: Baby On the Move
The real work begins as you push your baby out.

A Midwife Might Be Right for You
What do you know about this life-long health partner?

Natural Childbirth: a Drug-Free Delivery
Use this prep plan for natural childbirth

When Waiting for Baby Isn’t Safe: Inducing Labor
What can doctors do if baby won’t budge?

Get Ready, Baby. It’s the First Stage of Labor
What you’ll want to know when labor starts

The ABCs of Cesarean Sections
Why surgery could be the safest option

Healthy Pregnancy With Diabetes: You Can Do It!
The keys are planning, a great health care team, and good blood glucose control – months before you’re pregnant.

Surviving Bed Rest Without Losing Your Sanity
Find out how to survive — and thrive — while on bed rest.

5 Signs That You’re Really in Labor
Is your baby ready to arrive?

'Testing 1-2-3': Common Prenatal Tests for Your Baby’s Health
Get ready for testing, mom-to-be.

10 Weird and Wacky Things That Happen to Your Pregnant Body
Exactly what is that baby doing to your body? Learn how pregnancy changes your body and what steps you can take to feel better.

What In the World Is Vaginal Seeding?
There isn’t enough evidence yet to support this way of promoting gut health in C-section babies.