High-Risk Breast Cancer Centers
Early detection of breast cancer saves lives. Premier Health’s High-Risk Breast Cancer Centers offer a comprehensive program for women at increased risk of developing breast cancer. High-Risk Breast Cancer Centers are located at Miami Valley Hospital North and Miami Valley Hospital South.
Are you at increased risk for breast cancer? Take the Breast Cancer Family History Assessment to determine if you may have a higher risk for breast and related cancer. Answer as many questions as you can based on your own and your family’s cancer history to determine if you may benefit from an appointment with one of Premier Health’s High-Risk Breast Cancer Centers.
Multidisciplinary Approach
The High-Risk Breast Cancer Centers provide a multidisciplinary approach to screening and testing for women who may be more likely to develop breast cancer. Patients have access to the centers’ full-time oncology nurse navigators who support you by offering a more complete picture of what is happening and, if treatment is needed, guiding you through the treatment process.
The centers offer cancer-focused genetic counseling and genetic testing for inherited cancer risks. The centers also provide ongoing care and surveillance for women participating in the program.
Services Offered
We can provide you and your family members with:
- A review of personal health history and risk factors
- A detailed family cancer history review spanning four generations
- A physician consultation to review family and medical histories and previous medical imaging
- Coordination of a physician referral for a clinical breast exam if criteria is met
- A risk assessment to help determine a personalized risk for cancer
- Genetic counseling by a licensed certified genetic counselor regarding genetic testing, which may detect inherited risk factors in genes linked to hereditary breast cancer
- Health education on topics such as breast screenings, self-breast exams and lifestyle modifications
- Long-term follow-up care by following patients for their ongoing breast health needs every six months to a year as determined by their individual needs
Comprehensive Team Of Specialists
The staff of the High-Risk Breast Cancer Centers includes a licensed certified genetic counselor, oncology nurse navigators and a board-certified breast surgeon. The team works cooperatively with your physician and health care team.
Appointments may be made by calling the location convenient for you. A physician referral is not required to schedule an appointment.
High-Risk Breast Cancer Centers are located at:

Englewood, OH
Breast Cancer and High-Risk Breast Cancer Services at Miami Valley Hospital North Campus
9000 N. Main St., Englewood, OH
Centerville, OH
Breast Cancer and High-Risk Breast Cancer Services at Miami Valley Hospital South Campus
2300 Miami Valley Dr., Centerville, OH
Contact Us
Call the Premier Health cancer hotline at (844) 316-HOPE(844) 316-4673 (4673), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., to connect with a Premier Health cancer navigator.