Zika Virus & Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Learn how to protect yourself and your baby from this new concern.

Healthy Pregnancy With Diabetes: You Can Do It!

The keys are planning, a great health care team, and good blood glucose control – months before you’re pregnant.

6 Breastfeeding Tips for Working Moms

Plan for successful breastfeeding when you return to work so you and your baby can rest easy.

Another Pregnancy Secret: Urinary Incontinence

Be prepared to deal with this common concern during pregnancy — and beyond.

Surviving Bed Rest Without Losing Your Sanity

Find out how to survive — and thrive — while on bed rest.


Why Should I Breastfeed?

Of course you want what’s best for your baby! Here’s how breastfeeding benefits both of you.

Fit at Every Age: You Can Do It!

Young women who begin physical activity younger in life are more likely to continue to be active as they get older.

How to Manage Allergies and Asthma While You’re Pregnant

You’re breathing for two. Learn how to manage your asthma or allergies during pregnancy.

Pregnancy: Busting the Myths

See how savvy you are when it comes to uncovering the myths of pregnancy.

Medication and Pregnancy: 7 Life-Saving Questions You Need to Ask

Can I still take medicine while I’m pregnant? If it helps me, but it’s bad for the baby, what should I do?

10 Weird and Wacky Things That Happen to Your Pregnant Body

Exactly what is that baby doing to your body? Learn how pregnancy changes your body and what steps you can take to feel better.