Expired Medicine: Why and How to Pitch It

Don’t put your health at risk by taking medicine past its prime.

I’m Pregnant. Is It Safe to Take Medicine?

How to decide when a medicine is best for you — and for baby, too!

Tools to Help You Organize Your Medications

From paper logs to smartphone apps, help so you don’t miss a dose.

How to Properly Handle and Store Your Medicines

Keep meds high and dry for safety and maximum effectiveness.

When Medications Cause Side Effects

4 tips to help you minimize any problems with your meds.

Heartburn Medications: Weigh the Benefits and Risks

Are the drugs you’re using the best choice for you?

How to Find the Best Antidepressant for You

Ask questions and communicate openly with your doctor.

Why Do My Pills Look Different?

Get answers from your pharmacist — and stick with your doctor’s orders.