
Our Premier Health pulmonary and respiratory care team provides evaluation, treatment, management, and care for patients with breathing problems. Our services include:

  • Breathing treatments
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Patient evaluation
  • Respiratory screening
  • Smoking cessation
  • Ventilator management

Testing, Diagnosis, Treatment

The first step in helping you breathe more easily is diagnosing your condition. Our pulmonary function department provides a range of lung-function tests to assess your condition and pinpoint the problem that’s making it hard for you to breath. With that understanding, we will then develop and implement a treatment plan to help improve your breathing. Our inpatient and outpatient services include:

  • Arterial blood gas measurement
  • Asthma management
  • Complete pulmonary function testing
  • Education and instruction on the use of inhalers
  • Electrocardiograms (EKGs)
  • Medicated aerosol therapy
  • Methacholine Challenge testing
  • Pulmonary exercise stress testing
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Resting and exercise pulse oximetry
  • Smoking cessation education
  • Ventilator management


Pulmonary rehabilitation will help you manage your condition and improve your quality of life. Our comprehensive program will teach you to control your symptoms and reduce the impact of chronic lung disease. You will learn to increase your endurance and your ability to exercise and perform daily activities.

Your rehabilitation program will be custom created for you, with individualized exercise and education based on your specific needs.

Your program will include:

  • Assessment
  • Education
  • Monitored and supervised exercise
  • Psychosocial support

Fidelity Health Care: At-Home Respiratory Care

Fidelity Health Carebrings our respiratory care services to you. Our respiratory therapists can teach you about your condition, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure (CHF). We’ll also teach you how to use your medications safely and operate your respiratory equipment properly, including:

As a Fidelity Health Care patient, you will have access to services and support 24 hours a day.

If your symptoms include sleep difficulties, Premier Health Sleep Centers are available to help you manage your sleep disorder.


Contact Us

We are here to help. Please call us to learn more about our pulmonary and respiratory care services.

Atrium Medical Center
Respiratory Care Services: (513) 974-2111(513) 974-2111
Pulmonary Function Testing (513) 974-6424 (513) 974-6424
To learn about stopping smoking: (877) 684-4584(877) 684-4584(877) 684-4584 (877) 684-4584
To speak to a pulmonary rehabilitation respiratory therapist: (513) 974-5258(513) 974-5258

Miami Valley Hospital
Pulmonary and Respiratory Care: (937) 208-2609(937) 208-2609
To speak to a pulmonary rehabilitation respiratory therapist: (937) 208-3617(937) 208-3617
To learn about stopping smoking: (877) 684-4584(877) 684-4584

Upper Valley Medical Center
Pulmonary and Respiratory Care: (937) 440-4740(937) 440-4740
To speak to a pulmonary rehabilitation respiratory therapist: (937) 440-4675(937) 440-4675
To learn about stopping smoking: (877) 684-4584(877) 684-4584

Fidelity Health Care
Pulmonary and Respiratory Care: (937) 208-6400(937) 208-6400