- Anxiety
- Cardiology And Vascular Health
- Emotional Health
- Health Topics
- Heart And Vascular Disease Prevention
- Stress
- Stroke
- Stroke And Other Vascular Diseases
- Stroke Prevention
Beware High Levels of Cortisol, the Stress Hormone
Why too much of a good thing can be dangerous.

Stroke Recovery: How Long Does It Take?
The odds of recovering quickly are best if you seek immediate treatment for stroke.

Under 45? Stroke Can Happen To You
Think you’re too young to have a stroke? Think again.

The Stent: A Tiny Life-Sustaining Marvel
These flexible mesh tubes help keep narrowed arteries open and blood flowing.

What Happens During a Stroke?
A loss of blood flow to the brain can cause slight or severe damage, depending on location and duration of the stroke.

Making a Comeback: Stroke Rehab
Learn more about recovery with stroke rehab, the rehab team and choosing a place for rehab.

Put Your Vascular Health To the Test
Three simple vascular screening tests could have life-saving results.

New Ways To Save Your Brain During Stroke
Technology comes to the rescue when every moment matters.

Respond To Stroke Symptoms: BE FAST
(B)alance, (E)yes, (F)ace drooping, (A)rm weakness, (S)peech slurring and (T)ime: Remember these stroke signs and what to do.

Know These Eight Controllable Risk Factors For Stroke
Do everything you can to protect yourself from having a stroke.