Pelvic Health Rehabilitation

Pelvic Health Rehabilitation is a physical therapy specialty. Pelvic health rehabilitation patients meet with a physical therapist specifically trained in nonsurgical management of pelvic impairments. Therapy is individualized based on underlying impairments that contribute to your symptoms. Our physical therapists focus on:

  • Improving sensory awareness
  • Decreasing muscle spasm
  • Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles

What You Can Expect

After our therapist completes an individual assessment to fully understand your needs, your treatment plan will be developed. It may include:

  • Pelvic floor muscle training
  • Manual therapy techniques
  • Behavior/lifestyle education
  • Biofeedback and electrical stimulation

Because pelvic pain and bladder/bowel control problems are often related to orthopedic issues, we also emphasize stretching and strengthening of the back, hips, pelvic (sacroiliac) joints, and abdominal muscles.

Conditions We Treat

What Causes Impaired Pelvic Function

Common causes include:

  • Childbirth
  • Obesity
  • Repetitive lifting/running
  • Chronic constipation
  • Chronic coughing
  • Surgery
  • Aging
  • Impaired core pressure management


A Physician Order Is Not Required

The state of Ohio Physical Therapy Practice Act and Premier Health both allow patients to be seen via Direct Access. That means no physician order is required.  

However, some insurance companies require a physician order, so check with your insurance plan or ask our team to assist you.