What's Worse Than Flu or Asthma? Both
A flu infection can result in more severe and frequent asthma attacks.

When You’re Itching for Relief: Coping with Hives
Take the itch out of this annoying allergic reaction.

Is It Asthma or Anxiety?
Know how to tell the difference when breathing is difficult.

Tis the Season: Top 5 Holiday Asthma Triggers
Let the magic of the holiday season (not your asthma) take your breath away.

When Food Allergies Come Home for the Holidays
Plan allergy-friendly festivities — tips for hosts and guests.

Weather Forecast: What’s the Chance of Asthma Attacks?
Hot or cold – why you should watch the weather.

Stuffy Nose Relief — Naturally
Clear your head with a nasal rinse!

EpiPen: Your Lifesaving Superhero
How an EpiPen can stop an anaphylactic reaction and save your life.

Your Foundation for an Asthma-Free Home
Start with the floors to make your home an asthma-free oasis.

Adult-onset Asthma: Know Fact from Fiction
Test how much you know about staying healthy with asthma—at any age!

When Do You Need Help with Asthma Symptoms?
Partner with your doctor to manage your asthma well.

7 Tips to Dine Out Safely with Food Allergies
Call ahead, ask key questions and work with the restaurant to meet your special needs.

3 Ways to Stay Active with Exercise-Induced Asthma
If asthma makes you huff and puff, don’t let it blow away your will to exercise!

Pet Allergies Bring Tough Choices
How to handle giving up a beloved family pet for the well-being of your allergic or asthmatic child.