
If you or a loved one is seeking help for behavioral or mental health problems, the psychiatrists of Premier Health are committed to finding solutions to improve your mental health. We also can assess thinking skills following head injury or when you or a loved one are exhibiting signs of dementia, such as memory or language problems.

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine in which medical doctors (MD or DO) work to diagnose, treat and prevent mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders, including substance use disorders.

Our psychiatrists have advanced training to provide both inpatient and outpatient services to you or a loved one:

  • Medicine management to improve or prevent mental health disorders
  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy) for conditions such as anxiety bipolar disorder, depression, and mood disorders
  • Neuropsychological evaluations to assess thinking ability in cases of dementia, concussion, or head injury

Our psychiatry team specializes in guiding you as you make emotional adjustments related to your medical or psychological conditions. We work closely with you and your family to identify therapy options that will help you overcome behavioral health struggles and function better in your world.

We also can bring in social workers who can link you to community resources that will support you in improving your mental health and quality of life.

Contact Us

If you or someone close to you is experiencing a crisis, call 911. If the crisis is serious but not life-threatening, you can directly call our inpatient behavioral health unit that’s closest to you:

We also can help you with a range of outpatient programs for alcohol, drug, and mental health issues:

(937) 208-6719

  • Call Samaritan Behavioral Health for ages 5 through adult: (937) 734-8333(937) 734-8333