Peanut Butter And Chocolate Granola Bars
- Servings: 18
- Calories: 275
This high-fiber granola snack is wrapped up in a winning combination of peanut butter and chocolate. Get the recipe now.

- Dessert
- Fall
- Gluten Free
- Grain
- Holiday
- Prep In Advance
- Quick and Easy
- Recipes
- Side Dish
- Vegetables
- Vegetarian
- Winter
Oatmeal Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Servings: 9
- Calories: 277
Try this oatmeal pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe for a delicious new gluten-free way to enjoy fall and the holiday season. Look now.

- Baking
- Dessert
- Diabetic
- Gluten Free
- Grain
- Holiday
- Keto
- Low Carb
- Prep In Advance
- Quick and Easy
- Recipes
- Snack/Appetizer
- Snack/Appetizer
- Vegetarian
- Year-Round
Nut Free Energy Ball Recipe
- Servings: 12
- Calories: 148
Keep these tasty snacks in your refrigerator for a quick bite of heart healthy, low carb, gluten free energy. Read recipe now.

- Bread
- Breakfast/Brunch
- Fruit
- Gluten Free
- Grain
- Heart-Healthy
- Low Fat
- Quick and Easy
- Recipes
- Snack/Appetizer
- Snack/Appetizer
- Vegetarian
- Year-Round
Oatmeal Pancakes
- Servings: 2
- Calories: 218
Get your day off to a healthy start with these pancakes. Try the recipe now!