25 Stay-At-Home Self-Care Ideas During COVID-19

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As we stay at home to prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, many of us have the unexpected gift of more time and space to care for ourselves.
To reduce your anxiety, boost your mental outlook, and savor your free time, try one or more of these suggestions each day, recommended by Premier Healthy Living, part of Premier Community Health. If you finish the list, repeat.
Start a journal. Pick a subject to write about each time you make an entry. For example:
Name 10 things for which you are grateful.
Make a list of short-term goals.
Write down 10 words to describe yourself.
Name some internal and external resources you have to help you through the pandemic.
Share something that has made you proud or happy in the past two weeks.
Write about current challenges in your life.
Make a list of everything you’d like to say “no” to.
Take a walk outdoors – in your yard, on your street, or at the park.
Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual. If you generally cut your sleep short because you have too much to do, this is a great time to be well-rested.
Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while and enjoy catching up.
De-clutter your desk or a room.
Spend an entire day without looking at social media.
Pull out a cookbook or go online for a recipe you’ve never made – whether it’s an awesome salad or delectable new entrée.
Watch a sunrise or sunset or appreciate something in nature you rarely have time to notice.
Get rid of five things you never use.
Write down a playlist of favorite songs from your past and listen to them.
Unsubscribe from “junk” emails.
Send an encouraging text message to five co-workers or family members.
Wake up 30 minutes early to meditate, pray, or reflect.
Listen to a podcast on a subject that interests you.
Make a wholesome breakfast and focus on eating it without any reading or interruptions.
Think of something you’ve dreaded doing and complete it. Then, cross it off your list.
Relieve your anxieties in the moment by paying attention to your breathing and noticing if you are OK right now, with no thoughts of the past or future.
To slow yourself down, eat an orange very slowly, segment by segment. Savor the taste, touch, sight, and smell as you take each bite.
Let go of the guilt of something you “should” do and replace it with something you want to do.
Unfollow social media accounts that don’t bring you joy.
Clean out your garage, or a closet, drawer, or shelf.
FaceTime or video chat with one or more family members.
Try a five-minute meditation on your own or do an Internet search for a guided meditation. App options include Insight Timer, which is free, and Headspace, which offers 10 free sessions. Health care workers can download 10 Percent Happier free of charge.
If you are worried or upset, contact family and friends, a crisis hotline, or an employee assistance program.
Say a mantra that brings you comfort, such as “I am confident,” “All will be well,” or “May I be happy and healthy.”
These small gifts you give to yourself can help you to be more resilient and grounded, even in uncertain times.
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Source: Premier Healthy Living