Stanfield Place

31 Stanfield Road, Troy, OH 45373
If you live in or near Troy, Stanfield Place provides health care that is close to home. You'll find both hospital-based services and Premier Physician Network practices so you won't have to travel far to see the primary care providers and specialists you need.
Premier Health Services at this location:
Premier Health Practices at this location:

Troy, OH
Upper Valley Family Medicine at Stanfield Place
31 Stanfield Road, Suite 301, Troy, OH
(937) 339-1518
(937) 339-1518
(937) 339-1538 Fax
Office hours at 31 Stanfield Road, Suite 301
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Wednesday: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Providers at this location:
- Kathryn Lorenz, MD
- Roxanne Robbins, APRN
- Julio Soto, MD, FAAFP