Dr. Tracie Bolden Shares Top Germ Spots to Avoid

Premier HealthNet Physician Shares Top Germ Spots to Avoid

DAYTON, Ohio (October 5, 2012) – Singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star to yourself while washing your hands might sound silly, but it’s one of the best ways to ensure that hand washing is done long enough to get rid of germs.  This is just one of the tips that Tracie Bolden, MD a Premier HealthNet physician at Fairfield Road Physician Offices has for staying healthy during cold and flu season.

According to Dr. Bolden, the grocery store, and more specifically the grocery cart handle, is one of the most germ-infested places people encounter regularly.  Other public places that have a high germ count include playgrounds, public and family restrooms, hospitals, daycares, libraries and malls.

People with the flu can spread it to others up to six feet away, according to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Therefore a person infected with a cold or the flu should avoid public places as much as possible.  For those with a cold, avoiding places like the grocery store or mall for four to five days is recommended and for those with the flu staying out of the public for as long as eight days is the best way to keep from infecting others.

While it’s nearly impossible to avoid public places altogether, it is possible to take preventive steps to avoid catching a cold or the flu when it’s most prevalent.  In addition to hand washing, keeping hands away from the nose, mouth and eyes are other ways to prevent the spread of germs.

Dr. Bolden also suggests keeping a bottle of hand-sanitizer in a purse or pocket at all times in case hand washing is not an option.  Taking advantage of the wipes available at grocery stores to clean cart handles is another preventive measure that will keep the spread of germs at bay.
The number one defense against getting the flu is the flu vaccine.  “It’s the best method out there,” says Dr. Bolden.  “The flu vaccine usually arrives in August and I recommend everybody over the age of six months get it. Basically, unless your doctor has told you otherwise, you should get it.”

The flu vaccine is available to patients in a variety of places including Premier HealthNet physician offices. For more information on the flu vaccine, prevention methods or to contact a Premier HealthNet primary care physician, visit www.premierhealthnet.com/doctor.

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