Protests in Our Region and Nation

The recent events fueled by hatred in our nation are troubling and do not embody the goodwill and decency that must become central to the experience of all Americans. Much work still lies ahead.

We share in the pain experienced by our family members, friends, and neighbors of color as we stand united in the face of bigotry and violence. We believe our greatest strength lies in embracing our differences in a way that creates a culture of trust, respect, and compassion.

This belief is core to our values at Premier Health, and it is emblematic of our finest moments as Americans as well. We will do our part for our patients, our community, and you – our providers and employees – in providing culturally competent care, and in going beyond the walls of our hospitals to make a meaningful difference in the diverse communities we serve and to advocate for those whose voices go unheard.

Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to our nation, state and region.


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