Help Shape Our Future

As a physician with Premier Health, you’ll play a valued role in shaping the future of health care in the Greater Dayton and Northern Cincinnati region.

Premier Health works with Premier Physician Network practices, our independent physicians, and community partners to enhance patient care and elevate health care to new heights.

Our medical staff played a key role in developing Premier Health’s 2020 Strategic Plan and are now actively involved in implementing the plan. Key points include:

  • Transform Premier Physician Enterprise: Improve operational and financial performance of physician network and align with all medical staff members to act as one integrated medical group.
  • Expand Access and Referral Management: Offer consumers and referring physicians reliable and convenient appointment scheduling and access to care.
  • Optimize System Configuration: Streamline system assets to improve quality and efficiency, and enable Premier Health to achieve a market-competitive price position.
  • Build Payer Partnerships and Value Proficiency: Optimize value-based payment and delivery portfolio to expand patient base and achieve market-competitive price position.
  • Grow Integrated Care Models for Select Services: Enhance care navigation for patients with complex needs.
  • Strengthen Coordination Across Clinical Network: Build partnerships with community physicians to enhance patient care and drive system growth.
  • Advance Community Health: Support partnerships to promote economic development and community health.

A Great Place to Live and Work: Learn what Southwest Ohio has to offer. Watch the video.