Premier Health First in Dayton to Offer Fast Breast MRI

Premier Pulse     February 2021

Women with dense breasts or those at a higher risk for breast cancer can now choose Fast Breast MRI at Premier Health as a second step (following a mammogram) for breast cancer screening. This new option, which takes 10 minutes or less, is an alternative to a traditional full breast MRI, which typically takes an hour. Premier Health is the first in Dayton to offer this self-pay alternative at four locations.

Fast Breast MRI may increase the accuracy of breast cancer screening in women with dense breasts. For women with dense breasts, the sensitivity of mammography decreases from 84 percent to 25 to 50 percent, which can lead to a later breast cancer diagnosis. A later cancer diagnosis can lead to increased tumor size and a worse prognosis. Women with other elevated breast cancer risk factors may also benefit from Fast Breast MRI, including those who cannot tolerate a traditional full breast MRI due to the exam’s length.

Fast Breast MRI is a new exam and currently not covered by insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid. The self-pay cost is $400 and a physician’s order is required. The exam is available at Atrium Medical Center, Miami Valley Hospital, Miami Valley Hospital North, and Upper Valley Medical Center. Learn more about this new diagnostic option.

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