Cardiovascular Patient Care at Home with Fidelity Health Care

Premier Pulse     July 2023

By Joni Donoher, senior manager customer service, Fidelity Health Care

Fidelity Health Care has a census of more than 2,300 patients in the community. The most prevalent care need the home health care provider sees is cardiopulmonary disease. Fidelity’s goal is to work with the entire care team to develop a home-based program to enhance patients’ quality of life and manage their symptoms. We follow a specific care plan to best meet the needs of these patients. 

Along with our visiting nurse and therapy team, Fidelity uses remote patient monitoring equipment and telehealth services.  We provide an easy-to-use platform for patient communication and engagement.  These devices are safe and secure and do not store any protected health information. Our clinicians can track patient vitals and trends to send data to the appropriate provider. We can communicate via video chats and intervene with Bluetooth stethoscopes, pulse oximeters, blood pressure monitors, and scales as needed. This technology allows Fidelity’s clinical care team to detect problems early and escalate as needed. Visit Fidelity Health Care for more information.

Back to the July 2023 issue of Premier Pulse

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