Hernia Surgery

When it’s time to repair a hernia, Premier Health’s surgeons offer you personalized surgical options that can get you back to your life with as little down time as possible.

If you have a hernia, it’s likely your doctor will suggest surgery to repair it. Hernias do not heal on their own. Over time, hernias can get worse and cause serious health problems. That’s why your physician may recommend surgery to repair and strengthen the weak spot in the wall of your belly. When you have surgery, in many cases you can go home the same day.

How Are Hernias Repaired?

Most hernias are repaired with special mesh. Your surgeon attaches the mesh to the wall of your belly. The mesh covers the weak area like a patch. Over time, nearby tissue in your body grow into the mesh to strengthen the repair.

There are three surgery options for most hernias: 

  • Traditional or open hernia repair: Your surgeon cuts the skin at the groin and pushes the bulge back into your belly. Then your surgeon repairs the weak area and may insert mesh to make the area stronger.
  • Laparoscopic hernia repair: Your surgeon makes a few tiny cuts in your lower belly. A thin tube (laparoscope) is inserted into one of the cuts. This tube has a tiny video camera that lets your surgeon see inside your belly. Long thin tools are inserted into the other cuts in your belly. These tools are used to repair your hernia. This minimally invasive approach has many benefits. Learn more
  • Robotic surgery is a newer minimally invasive technique. Your surgeon controls the arms of a robot to complete the hernia repair. The robot’s capabilities enable hernia repairs that previously were not possible.

After carefully evaluating your hernia and your medical history, your doctor will recommend the best surgical approach to repair your hernia. 

Are Some Hernias More Complex?

Occasionally hernias require more advanced repairs. They may:

  • Require abdominal wall reconstruction
  • Come back after being repaired
  • Get infected

Premier Health surgeons are experienced in treating the full range of hernias. Our goal is to get you safely back to the activities you enjoy as quickly as possible.

How Can I Minimize My Risk?

Your risk of hernia is greater if you smoke, are overweight, or regularly strain to have bowel movements. We have support programs that can help, including:

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When you need surgery, we’re here with experience and options. Our surgical teams are committed to providing you with effective, patient-focused care. See a list of our convenient locations or find a general surgeon.