The Nobility of Teaching

Premier Pulse     March 2024

Colon_336x336By Roberto Colón, MD, system chief medical officer, Premier Health

Education is at the forefront of our endeavors, and our growing affiliation with Wright State University exemplifies our commitment to advancing academic pursuits within our system. With a mission that resonates—"We care. We teach. We innovate. We serve."—our dedication to education extends beyond mere instruction; it is an integral part of our identity.

Reflect on your own journey, regardless of the diverse paths we've traversed. Each of us occupies our current role because someone, at some point, assumed the role of a teacher in our lives. Whether unveiling a fascinating clinical discovery, elucidating the intricacies of managing an illness, or demystifying a perplexing theory, these mentors played pivotal roles in shaping our destinies within the field of medicine.

Teaching, however, can be daunting for some who may harbor concerns about inadequate training or insufficient expertise. Drawing from personal experience as an educator in medicine, I can confidently say that every physician and health care provider possesses the capacity to be a teacher. It doesn't always mean delivering extensive lectures or expounding on complex biochemical pathways; a single minute can suffice to pass on a clinical pearl, offer educational guidance, or rectify a misconception. 

The responsibility to educate transcends privilege; it is a duty we owe to those who will follow in our footsteps and to each other. While lecture halls have their place, the true classroom for our learners is often found by the bedside, where care is delivered. In those moments, we not only heal but also impart wisdom and share the sense of wonder that defines our privileged profession.

Our actions as educators extend beyond correcting mistakes; they contribute to shaping the future of health care. Each nugget of knowledge passed on, each moment spent nurturing curiosity, adds to the collective growth of our field. What we do is not just a job, it is a privilege and a responsibility. As we continue our growing journey into academics, let us embrace our role as educators, acknowledging that our impact extends far beyond the confines of a lecture hall, resonating in the hearts and minds of those who will carry the torch of medical knowledge forward. 

Back to the March 2024 issue of Premier Pulse

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