Revamp of Admit and Transfer Orders in Epic
By: Dr. Walter Reiling, MD, system vice president and chief medical information officer, Premier Health
Beginning in January 2020, Premier Health will revamp our ADT orders in Epic. ADT stands for Admit, Discharge, and Transfer. These are the orders that direct where your patients go in the hospital and when they go home.
Since Premier Health began with four distinct and separate institutions, our orders were different in each location. This has made it more complex to navigate patients through the system and has made it more difficult for staff, physicians, and APPs to move between our locations. In addition, Epic now has numerous opportunities to automate tasks which will allow our patients to move more efficiently into our hospitals, switch between different levels of care, and ultimately be discharged. Starting in January, Premier Health will replace the existing orders with ones designed to be the same across the system. These updated orders will take advantage of the advanced capabilities to facilitate the movement of our patients. The new ADT orders will be simpler and more streamlined as well. More information with the details will be forthcoming as the launch date gets closer.
Back to the December 2019 issue of Premier Pulse.