Provider Profile: Sagger Mawri, MD

What is your clinical specialty?
Interventional Cardiology and Vascular/Endovascular Medicine
Where did you go to school?
University of Detroit Mercy – Undergraduate
St. George’s University – Medical School
Henry Ford Hospital and Wayne State University – IM residency and Cardiology fellowship
Cardiovascular Institute of the South – Advanced peripheral vascular disease fellowship
What brought you to Premier Health?
An opportunity to join a great group of dedicated cardiologists to help grow care for and meet the needs of peripheral vascular disease patients, and the desire to be relatively close to family in Michigan.
Why did you choose medicine as a career?
I vividly recall my 6th-grade school presentation on being a cardiologist, saving patients suffering from heart attacks. I was always fascinated by the cardiovascular system and wanting to be a heart doctor as far back as I can remember.
My great interest in vascular medicine and critical limb ischemia treatment developed during cardiology fellowship training. I was astounded by the high amputation rates and adverse cardiovascular outcomes of patients with advanced peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischemia. This is now my sub-specialty area of interest.
Who are the people who influenced and/or mentored you?
My father with his incredible work ethic and integrity, and my mother with her tremendous patience and compassion. My wife, with her kind nature and love. My children, with their beautiful curious spirit and creative energy. My siblings, with their support and loyalty, and my teachers and mentors for their devotion and commitment throughout my training. I would not be the person I am today without these influential people in my life.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I practiced martial arts.
Where is your hometown?
I grew up in Dearborn, Michigan.
What, if any, sports team(s) do you cheer for?
PSG Football (soccer) Club
What is the last book you read?
“The Prophet” by Khalil Gibran
What is your favorite song in your playlist?
“Drops of Jupiter,” by Train
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite hobby?
Spending time with family.
What is your favorite animal, and why?
Eagles – for their fearlessness and vitality.
Where is your favorite vacation spot, and why?
San Diego – for the weather and scenery.
Describe something (a thing, person, place, experience, etc.) for which you are especially thankful:
I am especially thankful to God for gifting me with the amazing people in my life.
Pick a side
iPhone or Android?
Early bird or night owl?
Early bird
Beach bum or mountain hiker?
Mountain hiker
Dress shoes or tennis shoes?
Tennis shoes
Paperback or e-reader?
Coffee or tea?
Cooking or baking?
Sweet or salty?
Back to the October 2022 issue of Premier Pulse