Physician Profile: A Little Laughter Can Be Good Medicine
Joseph P. Allen, MD, sees patients at Family Medicine of Vandalia.
What is your specialty?
Family medicine
What brought you to Premier Health?
I came to Premier Health straight out of residency, which I completed at Good Samaritan Hospital (closed in 2018). I was drawn here by the quality of people that I interacted with during my residency.
Why did you choose medicine as a career?
Medicine sort of chose me. I was not the greatest high school student, and when I started college, I did not have any real direction. I had a friend that decided he wanted to become a physician. I thought that sounded like fun so I started taking classes with him. Funny thing about that is the friend that got me started never actually went to medical school. However, I did, and the rest is history.
Who are the people who influenced and/or mentored you?
I was influenced by a great many people during my journey to this point. My father instilled a strong work ethic in me. That has served me well. I learned a great deal about how to be a physician from multiple sources. Dr. David Garrety has helped me see the lighter side of medicine. Recently I have been mentored by a group of physicians who are helping me navigate some of my administrative duties. The PPN Physican Market Leads have provided me with this mentoring and influenced me greatly.
How do you describe your bedside manner?
I would describe it as jovial and light-hearted, but serious when the situation requires that. I love to laugh with my patients, but will not shy away from crying with them as well…
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
Most people know that I am an avid baseball fan. However, most folks do not realize that I still play baseball and can still hit a ball 400+ft regularly.
How do you want to be remembered?
I want people to laugh or at least smile when they think of me. We are all remembered in some way or another but if someone can crack a smile when their memories turn to me then I feel I did something right.
What is the last book you read?
I have read quite a few books lately that deal with personal and professional improvement. However, the last book I read for sheer pleasure was Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
What is your favorite song in your playlist?
Tough question. It depends on my mood. One song that I always enjoy is “Whipping Post” by The Allman Brothers
iPhone or Android?
Early bird or night owl?
Early bird
Beach bum or mountain hiker?
I do not care for the beach, and I am not much of a hiker. I do love to lounge around in the mountains though. I must be a mountain bum, then.
Dress shoes or tennis shoes?
Tennis shoes, if at all possible.
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