Enhancing Radiation Oncology Treatment
In the coming year, Radiation Oncology Services – a joint venture of Dayton Physicians Network, Premier Health, and Wayne Hospital – will upgrade technology at its six radiation oncology centers. This will include the purchase of new linear accelerators and CT scanners.
Linear accelerators produce a range of very high energy radiation beams and are used to deliver radiation dose to the tumor inside the body. The new linear accelerators will feature high resolution CT imaging for accurate localization, robotics for precise patient alignment with submillimeter accuracy, and rapid conformal dose delivery with high dose RapidArc®, among other technologies.
“This new technology will enable us to see the tumor and surrogate anatomy better with on-board high resolution CT imaging just prior to dose delivery,” said radiation oncologist Gregory Rasp, MD, medical director of Premier Health’s radiation oncology program. “Every day that a patient receives treatment, the new CT scan is matched to the planning CT scan and corrections are sent to the robotic couch, which moves remotely to almost perfect alignment in all six axes – three translations and three rotations. A typical treatment will take approximately two minutes to deliver with RapidArc® technology; and all of this will be done in less than 10 minutes – reducing the time a patient spends on the treatment couch.”
Dr. Rasp said the new equipment will allow for more accurate treatments, which can improve cure rates and decrease complications. “This will give our patients an enhanced quality of life by providing a combination of better tumor control, lower side effects, and efficient treatment delivery,” he said.
The new equipment will also include two CT scanners that will be equipped with new image processing software to reduce metal artifacts within the body. These artifacts are seen near high density objects, such as dental fillings, hip prostheses, etc. This will enable radiation oncologists and radiologists to appreciate anatomy clearly, even in the proximity of high density objects. The CT scanners will also have a wider bore to accommodate patients with custom immobilization accessories.
“All in all, this new technology will enhance cancer care for our patients in the Dayton region,” said Dr. Rasp. “This goes to show that through our partnership, we are committed to providing excellent cancer care to our patients closer to their homes.”
All six Dayton Physicians Network/Premier Health radiation oncology centers are accredited by the American Society of Radiation Oncology. Premier Health’s oncology program is accredited by MD Anderson Cancer Network®, a program of MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Lutetium Trial for Prostate Cancer Patients
Precision Cancer Research, a research partner of Premier Health’s oncology program, recently treated its first patient through the groundbreaking VISION study of a drug to treat metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer. Premier Health is the only health care provider in Ohio – and one of only 20 in the world – chosen to participate in the phase 3 trial.
The drug is a monoclonal, antibody-targeting, prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) attached to a radioactive atom of lutetium-177 (Lu-177). The concept behind the drug is that the monoclonal antibody will seek out and bind to any cell in the body that has PSMA. The Lu-177 will then disintegrate, hitting the cell with a high-energy beta particle. The drug has shown considerable activity in pre-clinical and early clinical studies.
To refer a patient for consideration in the trial, call (937) 771-2474 to connect with a Premier Health radiation oncologist who can help determine the patient’s suitability for the trial.
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