Getting Started: Follow the Basics

Three lifestyle changes anyone can make to start losing weight.

Conquering Your Own Everest

Be amazing in your own way by making your dreams a reality.

Support is Crucial!

Finding support can mean finding success!

Are You Missing Out?

It’s time to stop missing out on things because of your weight!

The Goal: Living Healthy Every Day

Integrating your goals into the lifestyle you want leads to true success.

Realizing You’re More Than Your Weight

Don’t let your weight define who you are or who you can become!

Stretch Yourself with Some Yoga

Can yoga improve more than your flexibility?

Finding Your Balance – All Things in Moderation

Can dinner out actually help your long-term weight loss goals?

Social Media Can Offer the Support You Need

Make social media your friend in your weight loss journey

Meal Services Keep it Fast and Fresh

Is a meal service a good solution for you?

Eating Your Feelings?

Who here copes with life’s ups and downs by eating? There’s a better way.

Exercise - It's Essential!

Don’t give up! Keys to success when starting a new exercise plan.

Nutrition – Accountability is the Key

Explore tools and tips to help you on your journey to better nutrition.

Goal Setting - the Long and Short of It

Can setting specific, tangible goals really help you lose weight and keep it off?

Introduction: The Journey Begins

Be inspired by Dr. Jenny’s struggle with weight and her quest for good health.