What can you do to prevent knee revision surgery?
Dr. Richard Davis II discusses possible ways to prevent revision total knee replacement surgery. Click play to watch the video or read the transcript.
What can you do to prevent knee revision surgery?
Many patients will ask what can you do to prevent revision surgery. Many times the reason for revision outside of the strength that we talked about and doing the exercises, it's not under the patient's control. One of the main things is just continuing to do your exercises on a regular daily basis and if that doesn't prove to be beneficial and relieve your pain, there's usually other reasons that are out of your control such as the implants may be loose, there may be an infection and those type of things that you really can't prevent as much, as a patient. One thing that has been discussed recently is taking dental prophylaxis prior to any type of dental work to prevent an infection. There's mixed opinions on this now. Some people go with you don't necessarily need it. Some surgeons are more on the side of what's it gonna hurt, it may be of benefit to prevent a knee infection.

Many times the reason for revision total knee replacement — other than the lack of strength and the need to exercise — is beyond the patient's control. One of the main things is just continuing to do your exercises on a regular daily basis and if that doesn't prove to be beneficial and relieve your pain, there are usually other reasons that are out of your control. The implants may be loose, or there may be an infection. A patient can’t really prevent these types of things.