Tics and Tourette’s

Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological disorder marked by repetitive, involuntary movements and uncontrolled vocalizations called tics. There is no cure for the condition, but treatment is available.

What are Tics and Tourette’s?

Tics are repetitive, involuntary movements or uncontrolled verbalizations. Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological condition that is marked by tics; examples include blurting out words or making sounds, throat-clearing, blinking, or shrugging shoulders. Tourette’s can accompany other conditions like anxiety, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It’s more common in boys than girls, and the symptoms may improve after the patient’s teen years.

Diagnosing Tics and Tourette’s

Symptoms of tics that persist for more than a year can be an indication of Tourette’s Syndrome. Diagnosing Tourette’s could come with or the following the discovery of another neurological condition. Blood or imaging tests are not often required to diagnose the condition.

Behavioral treatments can be effective in bringing tic symptoms under some control. Therapies such as biofeedback or supportive therapy can also be effective in treating the symptoms.

Treatment for Tics and Tourette’s

Where the tic symptoms impact normal functioning, certain medications may be prescribed. No medication eliminates the symptoms, but some are effective in reducing the intensity or frequency of tics.