Ron’s Story: Snorers ‘Don’t Realize They Have a Problem’


Ron Sweeney, of Troy, visited the Sleep Disorders Center at Upper Valley Medical Center so he could obtain new continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) equipment he has used to help sleep for 20 years. “They make you feel right at ease. I knew there was nothing to be apprehensive about,” he says. “The room is nice. It is very comfortable, even though they wire you up with electrodes.”

Sweeney says his wife of more than 40 years complained about his snoring, telling him he would stop breathing at times. He made his first sleep lab visit in the 1990s after an anesthesiologist said he should be tested.

Today’s CPAP equipment is quieter and more comfortable, particularly the smaller nasal pillow he recently obtained, Sweeney says. “I highly recommend anybody go through it (testing) if they are snoring, especially if they stop breathing. People don’t realize they have a problem.”

Learn more about Premier Health’s Sleep Disorder Centers.

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